Ocean Life Symposium II: Ocean Life on the Brink
May 19th - 21st 2010, Grenada Grand Beach Resort, Grand Anse, Grenada
ObjectivesThe objectives of this meeting, being held in celebration of the United Nations International Year of Biodiversity, are to promote:
- the appropriate management and preservation of ocean life, including marine mammals, in the Wider Caribbean and in international fora
- the creation of Marine Protected Areas and Sanctuaries, with a focus on the Wider Caribbean
- the implementation of the UNEP SPAW Protocol and its Marine Mammal Action Plan (MMAP); and the strengthening of management regimes for conservation
- information sharing, education and public awareness of the problems confronting ocean life systems, particularly cetaceans
- negotiations at different levels with policy makers
- the written press, living images, documentaries, television
- maintenance of a dedicated network of scientists, technical experts, and other civil society partners
Draft Agenda (English) 324.5Kb Recommendations 49.9Kb
PresentationsPlease note that some of these presentations (marked [swf]) require Adobe Flash Player
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Presentations are listed in alphabetical order according to the primary presenter.
Presentations will be added as they become available.
A message delivered from Her Highness Princess Pilolevu, Royal Patron of Whales,
Tonga, the pacific islanders traditional leaders Rawiri Paratene and Foua Toloa of
Tokelau to the people of the Caribbean and a message to the Princess and the traditional
leaders from the people of the Caribbean
[pdf] The value of, and threats to, ocean life and marine mammals. Innovative conservation and education projects for communities and schools and a fisher’s whale watching cooperativePresenter: Fitzroy Armour, Ross University, Dominica[swf] The role of NGO’s and civil society in Latin America with regard to the preservation of
marine mammals and marine ecosystemsPresenter: Jaime Bolanos-Jiménez, Sea Vida & Fundacite Aragua, Regional branch of the Ministry of Science and Technology[pdf] Analysis of the views of the fishers of the Tri-Island State of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite MartiniquePresenter: Tyrone Buckmire, Director, Grenada Fund for Conservation, GrenadaGeneral overview of the current status of discussions in the International Whaling Commission (IWC)
Presenter: Leslie Busby, Project Manager, Whales Conservation Project, The Pew Environment Group[swf] FISHERS’ PERCEPTIONS - Dominican perspectivePresenters: Mona George Dill, President ECCEA Dominica Terry Raymond, Chairman, Non State Actors Panel of Dominica[pdf] Dominica’s Ocean Life Conservation PolicyPresenters: Mona George Dill, President ECCEA Dominica Terry Raymond, Chairman, Non State Actors Panel of Dominica Fitzroy Armour, Ross University[swf] The AGOA marine mammal sanctuary: linking marine spaces for the conservation of marine mammals and ocean biodiversity Presenter: Denis Etienne, Chargé de Mission, the “Agoa” Marine Mammal Sanctuary Agence des Aires Marines Protégés (AAMP) Martinique[swf] Educating and communicating with the public and students in Grenada and CarriacouPresenters: Marina Fastigi and Tyrone Buckmire, Directors, Kido Foundation, Carriacou, GrenadaA Regional Perspective
Presenter: John Fuller, Attorney-at-Law, former IWC Commissioner, Antigua and Barbuda[swf] Importation of marine mammals for commercial purposes in Antigua and Barbuda;
efforts of ABITPC to educate the public in marine mammal and ocean life conservationPresenter: Martha Watkins Gilkes, President Antigua and Barbuda Independent TourismPromotion Corp (ABITPC)[swf] UN fisheries management system, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, and CITES
Presenter: Gerry Leape, Senior Officer, International Marine Conservation Program, The Pew Environment Group
[swf] A description of management schemes and current pressures on the Indian Ocean
SanctuaryPresenter: François-Xavier Mayer, Administrator, Association pour la Protection des Mammifères Marins Autour de Madagascar
[swf] Whaling and ocean life conservation policies in St. Vincent and the GrenadinesPresenters: Marlon Mills, Friends of the Tobago Cays
Paul Lewis, Secretary, Regional Heritage Association; member, Friends of the Tobago Cays
[pdf] Creating Public Service Announcements (PSA's) and using the Internet to reach out to a global audience for the purpose of conserving ocean life and biodiversityPresenter: Michel Khelifa, France Television, Ocean Investigations
[pdf] Introduction to using the Internet for global communication
Presenter: Karl Phillips, ECCEA Web Master
[pdf] Presentation of ecosystem studies regarding whale/fisheries interactions in the Caribbean and Eastern Caribbean-Canadian humpback whale project (> 16Mb)
Presenter: Lyne Morissette, Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (UQAR-ISMER), Quebec, Canada
[pdf] Keynote Address by Sir Shridath RamphalPresenter: Sir Shridath Ramphal, Former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, former President of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), member of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Chancellor of the University of the West Indies and Chairman of the West Indian Commission
[pdf] Getting the Message Across Interacting with the media
Presenter: Terry Raymond, Chairman, Non State Actors Panel of Dominica
[pdf] The Value of whale watching to the East Caribbean Presenter: Sir Ronald Sanders KCMG, KCN. International business consultant, writer and former Caribbean diplomat, Barbados
[swf] The status of the SPAW Protocol as a management tool in the East CaribbeanPresenter: Hélène Souan, Director, SPAW/CAR UNEP Caribbean
Report on the 2010 field survey of humpback whales off Guadeloupe and links between populations
Presenter: Oswaldo Vasquez, Aesoria y Tecnologia Marina (ATEMAR), Honorary Advisor to Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, Dominican Republic
[swf] Ocean Spirits Grenada Turtle Tagging Programme
Presenter: Nicolas Winkler, Ocean Spirits